Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A DD Blog Post from Simon le Bon

I got this from the official Duran Duran website.  I must admit that it brought tears to my eyes.  Twice; once when I read it myself and a second time when I read it to my husband.  Here is Simon's post:

It’s over two and a half weeks since the moment in the Cannes party set when I went for a high note, i.e. the “Woah” before the “yeah” in ALL YOU NEED IS NOW and it wasn’t there. And it hasn’t been there since then. I reckon I got 6 semi-tones wiped off the top of my range and to be perfectly honest with you, nobody, myself included, has really been able to explain what has happened. It’s quite difficult not to obsess; it’s very difficult not to worry about it.

I regret terribly having to have cancelled the shows that we have. I know that there are many fans who’ve travelled great distance to see us. I regret terribly the inconvenience caused to all of you; the money that you’ve spent on shows which haven’t happened – I’m very sorry about that.
The shows will of course be re-scheduled. “When?” people ask me; “when?” I ask myself. the simple fact is that I don’t know when. It already seems like an awful long time of not singing to me.

What I do know is that I’m spending an awful lot of time seeing specialists: three otorhinolaryngologists, a speech and voice therapist, a vocal coach, a physio-therapist who specialises in the laryngeal musculature, and of course my super-osteopath brother Jonathan Le Bon. It’s been a long time sitting in London traffic between appointments. last Thursday I saw five different practitioners in one day. It’s hard work.

And I have to tell you that through it all, I have received the goodwill and unconditional support of Nick and John and Roger; and also from you, the fans; from my family, my friends; from Katy, from Wendy, Sharon and all at Magus Entertainment; all those who I work with.  I can’t tell you how grateful that makes me feel. Thank you all for your continued support and understanding and patience.

You will help me prevail.

Simon Le Bon

I think Simon le Bon is very classy for writing this post.  I wish him a speedy recovery to good health.

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